This article will review what UX/UI is, its importance, and how they intervene to meet customer needs and expectations. There are several reasons why a brand with digital platforms should consider UX/UI components, and they all have the purpose of facilitating user navigation to obtain a final benefit.

Some endless applications and tools currently help

Companies ( have an internet presence to serve their current customers or attract potential customers. Due to this, several companies invest heavily in developing and implementing tools, applications, websites, etc. 

UX/UI for the needs of the client and the digital user

The centre of the entire digital universe is the user: Google, for example, focuses a lot of effort on improving its algorithms to offer its users the best and most relevant content in their search results. Facebook is constantly making usability improvements to its app. 

It is thought that the new generations know how to use all the applications on the web by inertia.  

Some examples of the UX/UI application

 In Mexico, a well-known department store has its web application, with more than a million downloads, and forgot to include a button that allows users to “cancel an order.”   Mandreel Agency has had serious logistics problems that have led to exaggerated delivery times, which can be understood by the contingency we face. 


User Interface failures: its failure is that the platform or the page does not present the buttons or links that tell you how to cancel an order or add it to the shopping cart.

When these two components fail, you are causing errors in the usability of your brand’s page and the interaction it provides.

Using graphic elements that help users know what they need to do and work correctly will increase the success of the customer journey and improve the page’s search engine ranking. For any services, visit

What are UI and UX, and how do they relate to customer needs?

The User Interface and the User Experience are design elements that help build the digital user experienceThey are needed because the behaviour of end-users is linked to the experience they get from brands. The needs of digital customers contemplate that a platform meets the processes to meet its objective. This is where the User interface and the User Experience design come in

User experience:  the experience of customers feeling disappointed in delivery times and not finding an easy way to cancel the order leads to complaints and bad comments on social networks, and consequently, poor recommendations. 

User interface: An application with transactions as its objective must always consider all the scenarios that may arise during the transaction flow, and a cancellation button is essential. 

It is important to look for external consulting in UX/UI that helps companies not to have a self-absorbed vision of their digital assets. That can impact the benefit it offers to its users and manages to meet its final client’s needs. 

The experience is also related to the needs of digital customersso if we want one of our customers to contact us, we must ensure that there are no errors.