Making your own candle box is a great way to personalize and customize your candles. With these six easy steps, you can create a beautiful candle box that is perfect for you.

What You’ll Need

If you want to make your own custom candle boxes, you’ll need the following supplies:

-A wooden frame

-Paint or a sealant

-Candle wax


-Hot glue gun and glue sticks

-Glass jars (or other containers)

-Matches or a lighter

To make your own candle box, start by painting or sealant the wooden frame. You can choose any color that you like, but we recommend using a light color so the box will show up in photos well. Once the frame is painted or sealed, use scissors to cut out a rectangle that’s about 2 inches wide by 3 inches tall. Next, use hot glue to attach the rectangle to the top of one of the sides of the wood frame. Make sure that the top and bottom of the rectangle are facing down so the wax will drip into the jar when it’s lit.

Now it’s time to fill your new candle box with candles! You can use any type of candle you like, but we recommend using votives or tapers because they don’t produce as much smoke. If you’re using votives or tapers, place them in the jar so they’re standing up. Once

How to Make the Candle Boxes

Candle boxes are a popular gift idea, and they’re easy to make using this simple tutorial. All you need are some basic supplies, and you can make your own candle box in just a few minutes.

First,DL your candles according to the size of the candle you want to use. Make sure each candle is at least 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. For the body of the candle box, you will need two pieces of cardboard that are about 9 inches wide and 8 inches high. You will also need a piece of fabric that is about 18 inches long.

To make the box top, cut two pieces of cardboard that are about 5 inches wide by 7 inches high. Place one piece of cardboard on top of the fabric, and then place the other piece of cardboard on top of that. Cut out a hole in the center of the top piece of cardboard so that your candles will fit through it.

Finally,place your candles in the box according to your desired design and finish off the look with a ribbon or bowtie. Enjoy your homemade candle box!

How to Decorate Your Candle Boxes

Looking for a creative way to display your candles? Make your own candle box! This project is easy to follow and requires just a few simple supplies.

1. Start by measuring the width, height, and depth of the cardboard box you want to use. You will need to make sure the dimensions are big enough to fit all of your candles.

2. Cut out the desired shape of the cardboard box using a craft knife or scissors. Be sure to measure twice and cut once because it’s easier that way!

3. Once you have your cardboard box shape cut out, start decorating it! You can use any type of decorations you like, from ribbons to stickers. Be creative and have fun with this project!

Tips for Making the Candle Boxes Last Longer

Making your own candle boxes is a fun way to display your candles and make them last longer. Here are some tips for making the boxes last longer:

1. Choose a sturdy wood box. Wooden boxes are more durable than cardboard or other types of boxes, which means they will last longer.

2. Make sure the box is well-sealed. Poorly sealed boxes will let moisture and air into the box, which can damage the candles and make them go bad faster.

3. Avoid using too many decorations on the outside of the box. Too much decoration can make it difficult to remove the candles once they’ve been used. Keep the decoration to a minimum to keep everything easy to clean.

4. Store your candles in a cool, dark place after use. Leaving candles in direct sunlight can cause them to quickly go bad. Place them in a cool, dark place where they will be kept fresh


Making your own custom printed candle boxes is a great way to add some extra style and function to your home. By following these six simple steps, you can have a beautiful and practical candle holder in no time at all. So go ahead and get started — it’s definitely worth it!