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Are you ready to start a new adventure? The Alang Madan Kulang Trek is a two-day adventure that takes in beautiful views of the region. This walk is notable for its forest at the base. These trails are stunning and provide the opportunity to view wildlife such as monkeys, pigeons, and peacocks. Solo visitors shouldn’t attempt the ascent.

This excursion is best for groups of friends or families. You will descend steeply in the direction of Kulang for the first part of the walk. Rope aid is essential as the path can be extremely slippery. After completing the descent, you will reach the col connecting the Madan and Kulang forts.

By making a small ascent on the other side, you can reach an 800-meter-high ledge. These views will take your breath away. The walk is not easy, but it’s well worth it. You’ll be passing through several base communities. The trip begins in Ghatghar and ends in Kurundwad. You will be rewarded for taking good care of your belongings while trekking in the forest.

To have some more amazing trekking experiences you can also do the Triund trek.

It is both time- and effort worth it. This hike is a great way to see stunning views and get a feel for the natural landscape. The Alang-Madan–Kulang trek is one of the most difficult in Maharashtra. It will test your mental endurance, mental fortitude, patience, and mental fortitude. This is also a great way to see the natural beauty of this area.

The area offers stunning views and is difficult to climb. This trek is not recommended for beginners. You will soon enter the jungle after you have crossed farmland. After crossing a stream, the trail leads to the forest. The forest trail is littered with boulders and stones. Be careful and follow the instructions in the guide.

Observe local customs throughout the expedition. Safety is paramount, so alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are not allowed. It is worth the effort to have a memorable adventure. The Alang Madan Kulang adventure begins with an ascent up the mountain. This mountain is home to caves and prehistoric writings. There are many forts along the route with interesting histories. The area was once dominated by the Marathas, Mughals, and British. However, the British seized the province in 1818.

As you travel, a beautiful forest will surround you. There are many caves to explore and even a former fort. Forts built by the British, Spanish, and Portuguese all still stand today. These forts have been around for hundreds of years. There are many ruins to be found along with historical sites. It is important to choose the right path and the best hour for your hike.

From the Alang Madankulang walk, you can see incredible detail of the forts. Madankhinds are the Himalayan forts. You can reach the forts from Maharashtra’s main cities. If you are new to trekking, you will need to hire a guide.

If you are looking for a challenging trek, the Alang Madan Kulang trek might be your best choice. You can change where you stay as the base settlements are scattered around the mountain. Kurungwadi and Ghatghar are some of the places you could start and end your walk. The Alang Madan Kulang trek will take you through the rugged, steep landscapes of the Alang peninsula. The Alang Madan Kulang Trek is a strenuous walk through the Sahyadri mountains.

The steep mountainsides and rough terrain make it a difficult journey. You can also visit other historical sites, in addition to the forts. The remains of an old fort can be found on the island of Alang to the east. The forts of Kulang and Madan lie between Kulang and Madan.


Alang Madan Kulang is a challenging trek that can be difficult to navigate. It also makes it difficult to choose where to begin and end the trek. There are many villages and bases from which to start the walk. You can also combine different end and start points! You don’t often have the opportunity to choose where you want to start or end your trek. We chose the tried-and-true method to start and finish the hike. This is our preferred option because you can see all three forts from the start of the hike. This side of the route is more green and passes through farmland.

Alang Fort

The Alang Fort, also known as Alangad in the Indian state of Maharashtra is a fort. It is one of three Western Ghats forts, the others being Mandangad or Kulang. These forts are difficult to reach in the Nasik district. Because of the dense forest cover, these excursions can be difficult. These three forts were neglected due to frequent high rainfalls and the difficult, unmarked road to them.

Madan Fort

The ascent between Madan (or Alang) is preferred. It could take between 3-4 hours to reach the step from the Kulang fort. Because the step wall was shattered by the cannon fire, rock climbing is necessary. You must use a fixed rope. Two water cisterns are located in this fort, along with a large cave. The summit of the fort is a large plateau. The fort has 11 water cisterns and two caverns. There is also a small temple. The fort is littered with building remnants. The fort is located to the north, east, and south of Kalasubai. To the east are Aundh Fort and Patta; to the east are Harihar and Trimbakgad and Anjaneri. To the east Harishchandragad and Aajobagad.

Kulang Fort

Kulig is the most difficult ascent, as it lies in the same region as the three forts. As we climb up, there are some rock-cut steps. It takes six hours to reach the fort from Kulanwadi. The fort has five water cisterns. From here, you can also see Mahuli and the three pinnacles. You can also stay in these caves.