Screen time, i.e., the time spent in front of smartphones, computers, tablets, and TVs, is an unavoidable part of family life. As kids grow up surrounded by technology, keeping an interest in family routines, connectedness, and sharing is challenging. Children take refuge in online activities and are more susceptible to addiction than any other age group. The more they engage, the more they want to engage, and therein starts a vicious cycle. The time your family spends watching movies, enjoying video games, and scrolling on social media can be linked to obesity, irregular sleep, impaired academic performance, and violence, to name a few. 

If your youngsters are keeping their noses buried in their electronics and missing out on seeing the world, you must act quickly. Your loved ones have developed some unhealthy habits, and a 100% digital detox is what’s required. As a parent, you must take the initiative so that your children break free from electronics and go outside to take part in activities that boost their well-being. There are many ways to implement a digital detox for your loved ones, as follows. 

Set Boundaries for Technology 

More often than not, technology dictates how your kids spend their time instead of the other way around. Rather than trying to control their use of technology, you should better help your children foster healthy boundaries with their devices. Setting boundaries involves more than just limiting screen time, which steals kids’ time and attention. It’s about making your family understand how to use electronics in a healthy, responsible way and acquire the skills and habits that make them good digital citizens. If you feel embarrassed about your lack of knowledge, become up-to-date with the latest technological advancements (e.g., the latest social media sites or mobile phone apps).  

Think about establishing technology-free zones throughout the day. For instance, the use of smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc., is prohibited during homework, mealtimes, family activities, and so on. You can reach out to teachers, fellow parents, or friends to find out for sure how much your children are using technology. Two hours or less of screen time is recommended each day, but you need to make the adjustments according to your loved one’s values, schedule, age, and individual needs. Above all, say no to new tech toys. While they’re not dangerous for cognitive development, tech toys replace activities that are helpful. 

Tell Your Kids to Go in The Backyard & Play 

These days, youngsters spend more time inside than outside, so encourage your kids to go into the backyard and play. Dragging them outside isn’t a good idea because it’ll make them resent outdoor activities, and it’s the last thing you want. If you’re willing to play with your children, kick the ball around, have a game day, or go splash in the pool. Leading by example is the best way to get your family out and about. You can take up gardening if you need a good reason to go outside in the fresh air. Just think about it. You can take charge of your need to exercise, enjoy healthy food, and admire the beautiful surroundings. 

Send Them to Summer Day Camp 

Your kids should experience outdoor fun and adventure, so send them to summer day camp. You’re not sending your loved ones away for weeks at a time, but nearby. Summer day camps offer activities in social settings, usually in the community. Brooklyn camps and Queens day camps serve countless kids and teens, creating a transformational summer camp experience that’ll prove invaluable. Summer day camps are led by a dedicated staff who makes sure attendees enjoy the great outdoors and make friendships that last a lifetime. For many youngsters, it’s their first time away from home, so they have the chance to build self-confidence, a skill they need to succeed in life. 

As technology becomes an ever-increasing presence in your family life, your loved ones need a healthy dose of time offline. At a summer day camp, they must unplug completely. A camp is a place where attendees disconnect to reconnect – in other words, technology use isn’t encouraged. Kids make campfires, sing songs, and play sports, among other things. Bad weather is never a problem because the facility features indoor, air-conditioned and carpeted rooms. The skills children learn are taught in a safe instructional environment and the memories they make last a lifetime. Campers are introduced to others in the group from the first minute, so they don’t feel left out. 

Lead By Example – Monitor Your Phone/Computer Activity 

Effective parenting means leading by example, so make sure to monitor your own technology use. Kids learn from their parents and imitate their behavior, so it only makes sense to refrain from using electronics. If you’re under the impression that you’re not getting too much screen time, think again. Track how much time you spend on your devices and use that information to make sound decisions about your health. Chances are that, for the past couple of years, you’ve been using your phone as an alarm clock. Every night you climb into bed, you can’t resist the temptation and scroll through your social media feeds or respond to emails. Kick your phone out of the bedroom immediately. 

Also, remove unnecessary apps. Not only do they make your phone slow and laggy, but they also have a direct impact on your attention span. If you use LinkedIn for work, uninstall the app because it negatively impacts your productivity and mental health. As a parent, you really need to put down your phone because you risk becoming physically absent. If you’re constantly using your phone, your kids will experience more distress and will be less likely to explore the environment. Ultimately, youngsters need consistent, dependable, focused, loving attention. They get in trouble at home and at school without even trying. 

All things considered, digital and media devices are integral parts of our lives. Make sure your kids don’t overuse technology because they may experience lack of attention, low creativity, and delays in language development.