Kono was a great weightlifter. He was an American bodybuilder. He gained many Olympic and world champion medals in 3 categories of weight divisions. Tommy Kono and his beloved family have been some of the eastern Americans interned at Tule Lake, in the time of international warfare II. Kono has bronchial asthma as an infant, but his fitness advanced in the dry wasteland air. At the time of his career building, he set 27 global information.

Tommy Kono additionally commenced a weightlifting regimen. He turned into a mainstay of the US national group in 1952. He becomes especially valuable due to his grab performance. His capacity to boom and reduce body weight without using a sizable lack of potential, enables him to participate in weight instructions. He was served with many medals.

He additionally received three consecutive gold medals in Pan American video games in the years 1955 1956 and 1963. Kono becomes able to lift properly at almost any body weight, witnessed along with aid of his Olympic medals in three special training sessions. He is the simplest man to set ever international data in 4 special lessons and achieves 11 AAU Championships, in three exclusive weight instructions.

Awards Won by Kono 

Along with his weightlifting and bodybuilding titles, Kono was an eight-time Amateur Athlete Union James E. Sullivan award finalist, an award finally given to the top American Amateur athlete. He also became none of the first members of the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame in 1978.

In 1090, Tommy Kono bodybuilder took the association of old-time Barbell and Strongmen Highest Achievement Award and was introduced into the United States Olympic Hall of Fame. He was selected in the international weightlifting Federation hall of Fame in 1993. In 2005, the international weightlifting Federation named Kono the Lifter of the century.

Let you know about a Successful Weightlifter

Kono had a great interest in weightlifting and bodybuilding. Tommy Kono achieved the second rank among US Team members. He advanced his weightlifting and bodybuilding at the same age while dwelling at Tule Lake. he achieved significant popularity due to his remarkable weightlifting and bodybuilding ability. 

Prevailing numerous awards and setting various Olympic and international information. Tommy kono’s book is full of his achievements and awards. After retiring from a weightlifting career, he has coached several groups at the Olympics. If you want to know about the rest of the life of Kono then continue the article reading.

Medals won by Tommy Kono

Kono won many medals and awards and set records because of his remarkable work. There are two gold medals won by Tommy Kono Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1952 and 1956 in the summer Olympics. He won his second silver medal in Rome in 1960. 

In addition, Kono achieved six more gold medals in the years 1953,1953,1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, and 1959. He also got the bronze medal and silver medal in the 1960s when his weight was 82 kg. He did his best and got remarkable results in his work.

Tommy Kono, All About 

Kono was a successful weightlifter and bodybuilder. He won the federation international Halterophilie and culturist Mr. Universe title in 1954,1955, 1957, and 1961. He had done many excellent works in his life. 

Tommy’s Kono knee sleeves had remarkable memories. Kono was a great name for weightlifters and bodybuilders. According to my little study about Kono, his total success was due to his interest and concreteness in his work and his capacity to do his work. Tommy Kono’s Reddit was very famous. At the age of 85, he was diagnosed with liver disease and died. 


Concluding all the success of Tommy Kono. He had a great personality. He was very hardworking. He had won and achieved many awards and international titles due to his interest in his work and his potential to do his work. He was one of the best weightlifters and bodybuilders among all Americans successful male bodybuilders and weightlifters.