You have finally made the change and upgraded your store to Shopify Plus. Congratulations! You have now gained access to one of the most reliable, flexible, and scalable e-commerce development platforms utilized by numerous large corporate businesses. You must be asking what I do after completing this upgrade. How can I use this platform to its fullest potential to streamline and expand your business? This essay is for you, then. This post will go over a few steps you need to take as soon as you upgrade your e-commerce site to Shopify Plus. Here we start.

An Onboarding Jumpstart

Although you might be familiar with Shopify Plus’s functionality and that of its app partners, not all of your staff might be. As a result, you may construct an introductory webinar that covers all of Shopify Plus’s fundamentals, features, and resources. The Merchant Success Managers will walk you through the support system and provide advice on how to unlock the full benefits of this platform during this orientation.

You will receive a rundown of the unique Shopify Plus features from them. You will have the chance to ask them any questions regarding Shopify Plus.

Register for the Shopify Plus Newsletter

It would be beneficial if you were always informed of the most recent Shopify Plus upgrades. Weekly, the “New from Shopify Plus” newsletter will arrive in your inbox with information on new releases, beta chances, and other events.

Take a Look at the Shopify Plus Academy

Online store management is a marathon, not a sprint. Consumer behavior is constantly evolving, and so are consumer needs. So how can you satisfy customers whose expectations are constantly changing? The Shopify Plus Academy and Shopify development services in Jaipur are the solution. You will learn about e-commerce tactics you may use for your internet business here.
It’s best to start with the onboarding training while using Shopify Plus. You can learn about all the essential services and features included with Plus here.

Utilizing Shopify Scripts to Personalize the Checkout Process

For increasing sales and improving conversion rates, you had to employ numerous Shopify apps in the past, but now, with Shopify Plus and Shopify Scripts, it’s much simpler to “set it and forget it.” Shopify Scripts provide you the ability to:

Directly personalize your checkout process: You have complete control over customer fields, delivery options, and payment methods.
Using the Script editor, you can modify the checkout process according to the contents of your shopping basket.


One of the best features of Shopify Plus is that you’ll have access to its automation tools, which were designed to save you time and effort on repetitive jobs so you can focus on more critical issues and business ideas.

Use Enterprise-level Connectors and API

You can improve the functionality of the store with Shopify Plus. You’ll see that retailers with quick expansion, a wide variety of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), several web storefronts, and a presence in foreign markets have streamlined their operation by effortlessly integrating third-party platforms.

Manage Various Stores Using a Single Administrator

One of the first things you will notice if you switch from Shopify to Shopify Plus is the improved Shopify admin. The new organizational management tool makes managing the entire company simple. You can quickly build new stores, manage users, and get an overview of all critical business KPIs for your organization’s stores.

If you are in charge of several stores, you can make adjustments at the organizational level rather than in each store. Users, stores, and Shopify workflows may be impacted by the activities taken across many stores by those with access to make changes in the Shopify organizational admin.

Examine Available Wholesale Options

The B2B functionalities of Shopify Plus will undoubtedly be helpful if you operate a wholesale firm with help of eCommerce development services. The Wholesale Channel assists you in company growth by building a new, password-protected storefront that is an addition to your current store. Utilizing already available product data and connectors, you can manage B2C and B2B operations from a single location.

Expand Your Company With Unmatched Support

You have finally reached this point. It may be difficult and overwhelming to run a quickly expanding firm that generates thousands of orders per hour and even millions of dollars in monthly sales. But you’ve also always wanted to accomplish this. The Shopify Plus team is available to support you during trying times when you need direction and assistance running the business. The merchant success program provides you with access to the platforms, tools, and training you need to be successful. Additionally, Shopify provides 24/7 priority assistance.