There are always several questions to ask when choosing the hair system that is best for you, such as the type of base for the hair integration system and the quality of the hair. Your hair replacement system will be distinguished into two types.

Today, we’ll discuss hair system bases and the benefits of a skin base over a mesh or lace base for a hair integration system.

  1. How Long Do the Different Bases Last?
  2. Are They Fit for Water Activities?
  3. Scalp Health
  4. Condition of the hair system’s hairline
  5. Types of application
  6. How to Wash Hair Integration Systems?
  7. What’s the Hair Condition Like After Each Maintenance?
  8. What’s the Hair Condition Like as the Adhesive Deteriorates
  9. How About Hair Loss after Each Maintenance?
  10. Are They Easy to Detect?

1. How Long Do The Different Bases Last?

  • Skin: 15/20 days
  • Lace or mesh: 5/7 days

2. Are They Fit for Water Activities?

Real hair system attachment for water activities such as beach, pool, surfing, swimming, or daily showering:

  • Skin: if you spend a lot of time doing water activities, your hair system might require maintenance more frequently
  • Lace or mesh: Not safe. You can do water activities, but it’s unsafe if the hair replacement is in direct contact with abundant water. It will enter through the mesh, and within a short time, it will lift the adhesive tapes. You must keep the water from coming into contact with the adhesive, which is why meshes and monofilaments are not as good in this aspect, since water, residue, soap, germs, etc. can pass through, even if they are made of good quality material.

3. How about Scalp Health?

  • Skin: The scalp is kept healthy, clean, and with a good skin tone by hair systems with a skin basis since they do not irritate it. The scalp is insulated from the outside world and shielded from it. A well-maintained hair system protected from all external influences results in healthy skin with no skin or hair issues.
  • Lace or mesh: As a result of not isolating the scalp from the outside, irritations and red patches will eventually develop in the areas of the scalp where the tapes are stuck over time. As the area is not hermetically sealed, the permanent damp patch on the skin will serve as a breeding ground for the numerous germs. As was already indicated, any residue from soap, hair conditioners, finishing products, sand, or any other external substance will seep through the mesh’s tiny holes and remain. Although it may appear much healthier at first glance, the scalp is not hermetic, which may eventually cause issues. It won’t take long for the skin to turn red in the area where the adhesive tape is adhered to. This is a sign of skin irritation and may even result in wounds that make it difficult for you to continue using the tapes for a while. It’s also important to note that water will damage the adhesive tape, which hastens its degeneration. If you decide to use tape, make sure it’s hypoallergenic, and it’s best to take the hair system off before taking a shower and going to bed. It is a huge inconvenience to do this every day and at all hours, just like those who wore toupees in the past.

4. The Hair System’s Hairline

  • Skin: the front remains in the same condition throughout the entire life of the hair system.
  • Lace or mesh: after a short time, the mesh begins to fray, meaning it needs to be trimmed regularly to ensure no threads can be seen at the front. This base is not advisable if you are searching for a natural look that does not cause you any worry.

5. Application Type

  • Skin: liquid adhesive or adhesive tapes will do.
  • Lace or mesh: it is advisable to use only adhesive tapes, as if you use liquid adhesive, it will cover all the holes of the mesh, and when the adhesive deteriorates, it will impregnate the hair.

6. How to Wash Hair Integration Systems?

  • Skin: relatively simple with both liquid adhesives and tapes
  • Lace or mesh: it is pretty complicated with liquid adhesive, which builds up in the holes of the mesh and can only be removed by using heaps of solvent. Furthermore, the base becomes much stiffer and loses flexibility.

7. What’s the Hair Condition Like after Each Maintenance?

  • Skin: the same as the first day
  • Lace or mesh: it dries up, and its colors fade much more quickly as the adhesive and solvent are in contact with the hair. Clients who use meshes frequently complain that the hair system worsens after each maintenance. Still, they’d rather avoid washing it and not have to remove the tapes, so they have to attach new ones to the old ones. To be completely honest, this is neither hygienic nor beneficial to the health of the scalp or the hair system.

8. What’s the Hair Condition Like as the Adhesive Deteriorates

  • Skin: the hair remains intact, unaffected by the adhesive, as they are not in contact with each other.
  • Lace or mesh: as the days pass, the adhesive deteriorates and seeps through the mesh holes, impregnating the hair in multiple areas and consequently causing damage to the hair system.

9. How to Deal with Hair Loss After Each Maintenance

  • Skin: they falter due to wear and tear, having nothing to do with maintenance, as neither the adhesive nor the solvent is in direct contact with the hair.
  • Lace or mesh: it deteriorates much more quickly, as, after each maintenance, it loses some hair. Once again, this is because the adhesive is in contact with the knots the hair knotted to the mesh, and when the adhesive gets removed, some hair will always get pulled out. Furthermore, the solvent will weaken the knots, causing them to deteriorate more quickly.

10. Are They Easy to Detect?

  • Skin: as the top manufacturers worldwide suggested, non-surgical hair replacement systems with ultra-thin skin bases are the most undetectable on the market.
  • Lace or mesh is ranked second; in third place are mixed hair systems that combine skin and lace.


You can choose a hair system with a skin or lace (or mesh) basis now that you know your options. Work is made considerably simpler with sticky adhesives and meshes, but the best option isn’t usually the simplest. Nevertheless, even though it makes our job harder, we always suggest what is best for the clients.

The market always looks to sell meshes because it is easier to sell something straightforwardly. Hair Inspira can show you how to become an expert in skin bases, even though it is more complex, and you’ll benefit from various advantages that are typically not given to consumers.

You must proceed with extra caution if you want to maintain your hair system at home and buy an ultra-thin skin base (UTS), even if they are the most invisible on the market and the most fragile and challenging to handle. The fact that lace meshes are easy to maintain and less likely to tear is another factor in their popularity.

Utilize a non-surgical hair replacement system on a skin basis. You must do several maintenance procedures, including applying scalp treatment, utilizing skin protectors like SCALP PROTECTOR, and attaching and removing the hair replacement using a particular technique. In our lessons and centers, we walk through these steps.
Click to shop the world’s top-notch women’s hair systems or toupee from New Times Hair.