Voice-over is an audiovisual translation technique whereby a narrative script is translated and recorded by voice actors. Accessibility is the most obvious reason your videos should include voice-over. An estimated six billion people worldwide are non-native English speakers, including 67.3 million people in the U.S. who speak a language other than English at home. Voice-over can help your video content overcome cultural and language barriers to reach a broader audience.

5 Reasons You Should Include Voice-Over in Your Localized Videos

1.  Some Audiences Prefer Voice-Over to Subtitles

Both voice-over and subtitles make videos accessible. However, some people prefer voice-over to subtitles. Without the distracting text on their screen, it is not only easier to follow the narrative, but they can also look away without potentially missing any information. In addition, the use of different voices enables viewers to distinguish the speakers and understand dialogues more comfortably when there is more than one speaker or character. For those that cannot read, voice-over translation also offers language accessibility in a way that subtitles can not.

2.  Voice-Over Makes eLearning Easier

Videos that offer voice-overs offer a quality learning experience for non-native English-speaking students. Put yourself in your students’ shoes. Imagine watching a training video in one language while trying to read subtitles or a transcript in another while at the same time taking notes. That is only going to cause information overload. Providing an eLearning curriculum with voice-over can enrich your students’ learning experience by making the learning tools more user-friendly for speakers of the target languages.

3.  Voice-over Translation Increases Conversions

Many videos have a commercial purpose. If you use videos to sell products, services, training, or even ideas, adding language support to your video content can help drive conversions. According to Harvard Business Review, more than 72% of consumers spend most or all of their time on websites written in their native languages and are more likely to buy a product that contains explanatory information in their native languages as well. The same study found that around 56% of people rated obtaining information in their native language as more important to them than price. If you want to increase customer conversion among non-native English speakers, therefore, improving the accessibility of your videos with voice-over is a simple and logical place to start.

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4.  Voice-Over Translation Improves the Customer Service Experience

Video as a medium is growing fast, with online videos expected to make up more than 82% of consumer internet traffic by 2022. Whether it’s tutorials, interviews, reviews, testimonials, recorded events, or how-to guides, consumers enjoy accessing information via videos. Nowadays, TikTok voice-over is more and more popular.If you are already using videos to support and communicate with your customers, enhancing them with translated voice-overs will help you reach a broader audience. It is quick and easy to improve multilingual customer-focused content when you team up with a professional voice-over translation provider.

5.  Including Voice-Over Offers the Best Viewer Experience

You spend time and money creating professional videos in English for your customers. Understandably, you want the same high production values for your non-English speakers. Fortunately, this does not mean starting from scratch. With a professional studio, voice-over recording software, top-notch voice talent, and sound engineering expertise, it is possible to produce a seamless and natural audio file that sounds like an original piece of work. By aligning the translation and the voice actor with the tone of the original content, you can create an experience that is worlds apart from subtitling or transcripts. It is almost as if the video was not created first in English at all!

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