Trying something new with your office design doesn’t have to take a lot of effort or money. Whether starting fresh in a new location or looking to spruce up your current workplace, you may do it with just a few inexpensive and easy adjustments.

While it’d be great if you could copy every detail of the images you’ve saved, don’t worry if you can’t or don’t have the funds to do so. Changing your office layout means rearranging the furniture you currently have and adding a few low-cost touches to benefit your business. Investing extra time and effort into designing a comfortable and functional office layout can significantly impact morale. If you need professional help, you need to contact VW Design (室內設計公司), the best interior design company in the business. Is your mind open to new ideas? Here are the best office design ideas that won’t kill your budget or your productivity.

  1. The Newsroom Design

This kind of arrangement is ideal for any job in which quick, last-minute interactions are required for crucial communication. This setting is ideal for teams that lack the resources to plan ahead for meetings by reserving meeting venues and reviewing availability calendars.


  • Combine smaller and massive groups of office desks by pushing them together.
  • Get rid of the partitions and the individual offices.
  • Set up many adjustable seating areas around the workplace. 
  • Make do with what you have, adding extra seating in the form of plastic chairs if necessary.
  1. The Startup Setup

The dynamic design of a startup may teach any business valuable lessons. There should be plenty of room for people to stand while they work, and there should also be some moveable desks or tables for them to use with their laptops or tablets. You can get help making your ideas a reality when you move into a serviced office.


  • If money is tight, try thinking of ways to convert regular tables into standing workstations by adding legs or other furniture.
  • Encourage workers to work from wherever in the office by relocating a few sofas from the cafeteria to the primary workspace.
  • Dot the new office with low-cost standing desks for laptops. If an employee prefers not to sit all day, a standing desk is an excellent alternative.
  • If your company employs people who often work from home, it would be smart to set up a couple of desks for them to use when they come into the main office.
  1. The Library Setup

Although there are some jobs that thrive in a busy environment, not all of them do. Instead of giving in to the current fad for open floor layouts, consider catering to the needs of your staff by providing them with quiet spaces.

  • Move free-standing boards from the meeting area to the main office. Staff members can roll them across the front of their cubicle doors to create a private space for work-related activities like phone calls or focused work.
  • Separate the cubicles into individual desks for the employees.
  • Create designated quiet times in the office’s conference rooms so workers may go away from their workstations and concentrate on their job without being disturbed.

Bottom Line

These are three of the best design ideas to make your office setup more elegant. They are easy to implement and budget-friendly, making them something you can start right away. For professional interior office design ideas, contact VW Design today.