Does becoming a freelance web editor make you dream? Think working from home is for you and considering quitting your current job to become a web editor? Do you really know what awaits you? Are you able to work alone, to take on your responsibilities, or to work tirelessly for a long period of time? Discover 5 things to know about this job before you start. Web editor’s word!
Becoming a freelance web editor means working… alone
The freelance web editor generally works from home. Personally I find that it offers many advantages: the freedom to manage your schedule, to be able to take care of daily tasks with less stress (I love going shopping when there is no one), or even the simple fact of having no fixed office and being able to move from one café to another. How sweet is the life of the digital nomad 😉?Yes, but that also means that the freelance writer is alone most of the time! Apart from telephone interviews with customers, the web editor does not need anyone. Personally, I tend to like solitude. And if I sometimes miss the atmosphere of the office, the freedom that freelance status gives me largely takes over.And you? Could you spend your days alone or do you need interactions? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not for everyone! What category are you in?
Working from home can be a distraction for the copywriter
Most of my working friends all tell me the same thing: “I could never work from home, I would be too tempted to do something else”. This is an interesting question. It is indeed obvious that when working from home, the temptation to watch TV, surf online, or do something else can be strong. The reality of the e book writing services is that if they don’t work, they simply don’t get paid.This truth alone is enough for me not to get too distracted or even feel guilty when I take a break. However, sometimes I need a real break and decide to take an afternoon to rest and do what I want. Simply because I need it and know I’ll be more productive afterwards. This is also the freedom of the freelance ;-). To become a web editor at home, it is better to know how to impose a work rhythm (especially at the beginning) and to stay focused.Could you work from home without being tempted? Do you need a framework to work? These are important questions to ask yourself before becoming a freelance web writer.
Becoming a professional web editor is a real job
Let’s go a little deeper into the heart of the web editor’s job. Writing for the web cannot be improvised. You know how to write, you are fluent in French and you think that training in web writing is not necessary? That may be true, let’s take stock.An online web editor training like the one offered by Lucie will teach you to understand the specifics of writing for the web. You will assimilate the basic concepts of SEO and learn to use different tools to help you improve the natural referencing of your content. If you do not master these notions, training in SEO web writing should be your priority. Otherwise, I think you risk quickly stagnating.A web editor who has undergone training is an editor who has confidence in him. He knows technical jargon and is comfortable with his clients. He has solid bases to get started and he is moving forward serenely. Is this your case? Have you taken any training in web writing? Do you plan to learn on the job? As far as I’m concerned, I know that I would never have advanced so quickly without Lucie Ronde let’s Origami training.
Having a constant salary is not so simple
I will speak here with my modest experience since it has only been 8 months since I trained in SEO web writing and only 4 months since I started to develop my full-time activity (I specify that I spent more than 2 months in France on vacation). I’m starting to have “big” regular clients, but I also often have contracts here and there. My salary as a web editor varies every month. Sometimes I earn very well, sometimes less. It depends on the clients and my missions! And my ability to process all of that of course…When you are a beginner in web writing, your first missions will allow you to learn how to better manage your time. The more experience you have, the better you will know how to adapt your working method and especially your invoicing! The web editor sets his prices according to his skills and, in my opinion, his experience. It’s a difficult exercise at the beginning, but which allows you to very quickly rectify the situation as you go along. The end goal for me is to work less, to earn more 😉If you have significant responsibilities to assume, becoming a freelance web editor may not be easy at first. When I started to get started and quit my job last March, I did so because I had savings that allowed me to cover my expenses, even if I wasn’t earning anything. It brought me a real freedom of spirit (but also a bit of guilt). You can also start in addition to another activity, but that’s another subject.
Taking a vacation is getting ready
As we mentioned, becoming a freelance web editor also means “work, work, and work”. When you don’t work, you don’t get paid! Going on vacation for a long period is preparing. You have to work even harder to plan for the salary you won’t get during your memoir ghostwriter cost rest phase. Maybe that doesn’t scare you, that you can absorb a heavy workload over time. It may be true, but on the one hand we all have our limits, and on the other hand, maybe your spouse or your family would like to go on vacation with you.So all this is of course part of the advantages and the disadvantages of becoming self-employed. There is nothing insurmountable, but you have to be prepared for it and think about it.
So, do you have what it takes to become a web editor?
If you are not sure yet, you can also read this article which tells you about the 5 mistakes not to make when you are a beginner in web writing. And if by chance you are looking for a professional web editor, you can contact us!