When you apply for a Home Loan, the lender will charge you interest in financing your property. This Home Loan interest rate can be viewed as a representation of the cost of borrowing or the cost of the loan. You pay this interest and the amount you borrowed throughout the loan in equated monthly instalments (EMIs).

You can finally own the house of your dreams thanks to low interest Home Loans. How reasonable the loan is for you will depend on the Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI) you must pay. With the help of EMIs, you can make principal and interest payments without adding to the pressure on your monthly budget. The interest rate, however, will have a big impact on this. 

Numerous variables affect the interest rate, which varies based on the lender. Some of these factors can change, while others can’t (such as the bank’s MCLR rate or the repo rate decided by the RBI).

What Determines Your Home Loan Interest Rate?

Given below are the major factors that determine the Home Loan interest rates:

MCLR Rates

The MCLR stands for Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate. This is the lowest interest rate a bank will accept for a loan. The operational cost, cash reserve ratio (CRR), tenor premium, the marginal cost of funds, and any negative carry on the given variables are additional factors that might be relevant. 

Banks assess current homeowners’ rates during the MCLR’s yearly reset date. The MCLR on the reset date remains valid based on the reset date of the present year, even if the MCLR changes between now and then. This suggests that your interest rate would increase or decrease based on changes in the MCLR rate.

The Interests

Low interest Home Loans come in three varieties: hybrid, floating and fixed. Floating interest rates change in response to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) changes. If the most recent RBI regulations result in lower interest rates, your EMIs will also be decreased and vice versa. 

When a loan has a fixed interest rate, you pay the same amount of interest for the whole term of the loan. For a defined period, loans with mixed interest rates have a fixed interest rate before transitioning to a variable rate.

Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio

The term LTV refers to the amount of the property’s value that the loan may cover. Since the credit risk is higher with a larger loan amount, the interest rate will be higher. A larger down payment can help cut the loan’s size, resulting in cheaper interest rates.

Loan Term

Loans with shorter terms have lower interest rates than loans with longer terms, even though their EMIs are greater (which will have lower EMIs but a higher interest rate). An online EMI calculator for House Loans can easily determine the ideal loan term.

Career Profile

People who are considered low-risk have a steady source of income, whereas those who don’t are considered high-risk. As a result, those with steady incomes—such as salaried professionals, PSU, and government employees, and those working for premier private sector firms—are granted access to lower interest rates. Doctors and chartered accountants are viewed as low-risk professions among self-employed people.

Credit Rating

This has a big effect on your interest rates. Your credit score indicates your dependability, financial responsibility, and repayment record. A lower credit score indicates a bigger credit risk, necessitating higher interest rates from lenders to cover such risks. On the other hand, a higher credit score denotes a lower credit risk, which would encourage lenders to offer lower interest rates and an affordable Home Loan processing fee.


These adjustments to the benchmark rate will also affect the interest rate and Home Loan processing fee for new clients. Usually, the interest rate is a few percentage points higher or lower than the benchmark rate. Therefore, the variables for new clients mentioned above will be considered while deciding on these points. 

There may be additional factors, even though these are the primary ones utilised by Indian banks to calculate the interest rate on Home Loans. You might be able to negotiate a better loan agreement with a cheaper interest rate thanks to your relationship with your bank, for example. Banks usually offer cheaper interest rates to customers of different types.